هل أنت بعيد عن الله أم قريب منه؟ اعلم هذا: الله معك كما أنت معه!The LORD is certainly far from the wicked, because the wicked hates instruction, he gives his mouth to evil and his tongue frames deceit.
وظيفة الإحياء: لا تأت إلى النقطة التي ستبدأ فيها لتحكم على الله“Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee? "Ye have said, It is vain to
وظيفة الإنعاش: اجعلها نقطة للصلاةKeep time with God in prayers! If God is your Father, you must keep time with Him in communion and in communication through His Son Jesus